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Sustainable spotlight: white vinegar

Welcome to our mini series – Sustainable Spotlight – where we highlight our favourite products in the shop and share our eco tips and tricks with you. We are so good at explaining things to you face-to-face, but it’s time to share it wider.

A quick bit on white vinegar: We LOVE white vinegar. It’s so multipurpose – it can be used for cleaning washing machines, fabric softener, window cleaner, eco weed control, rinse aid and more! We like using it with citrus peel (soak the peel in the vinegar) as a household cleaner, too.

The added bonuses? It’s affordable and available on refill! We sell it from a 200L barrel for 20p/100ml. Do your bit for the planet and bring your old containers to refill.

What to walk away with here: white vinegar is an essential for your house! We love it for washing machines and window cleaner especially. Pair it with citric acid, bicarbonate of soda, citrus and you have your home essentials!

Buy white vinegar here, bicarbonate of soda here and citric acid here.

Want a quick and easy eco kitchen starter kit? Grab the eco essentials here

Zero & Zen have some white vinegar info here.

A brief yet (biased) great start to the series. We love sharing our knowledge, and love hearing from you too! What’s your best kept eco secret?